Cape Grace
Dear Trade Partners, Suppliers and Friends,
We are delighted to announce that we have appointed a new General Manager from within the Hotel’s senior management team. With immediate effect Sandy Pollard has taken on the role as General Manager following a decision by the Cape Grace Board.
Sandy’s role and vision for Cape Grace is to capitalize on the success already achieved, with the support of the staff and management team, and to bring her strong business background into the mix to drive strategic direction, organizational efficiencies, business growth and development.
Sandy has held directorship roles in a number of multi-site customer-facing service industries including food service, telecommunications and real estate. During this time she has held operational responsibilities within the UK, Europe, Middle East, Asia and Southern Africa regions.
“I have had the benefit of working at Cape Grace for over a year and have seen the staff commitment and exceptional service standards that already exist. I want to build on this success and direct resources to provide an even better guest offering and improved business efficiency going forward” says Sandy.
Sandy will be at Indaba this year, along with our international Sales Team, so please do come and say hello. We are exhibiting on the Leading Hotels of the World stand, ICCL015.
For further info contact
Kind regards
John Moxon
Non Executive Chairman