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April 10, 2016

Londolozi News Update

March: A Month of Fresh Starts
“In the early light, the rock shadows on the snow are sharp; in the tension between light and dark is the power of the universe. The stillness to which all returns, this is reality”- Peter Mathieson

In the bush, each day promises a new and exciting adventure. As the sun rises, we wake and gather ourselves for safari. We do not know what animals have moved during the night or where they have gone but we’re excited by the prospects of what there is to find, of the unknown and we trust that the journey will be a fun adventure, whatever it is that awaits us. It is as if the slate is wiped clean at night and as we set off on the morning safari, the tracks tell of the next chapter of the story. Many Londolozi stories this month have served as a reminder that it’s not only the mornings that are a fresh and clean start though; new beginnings are forever around us.

One of the most exciting sightings to happen this month was the Tsalala lioness moving her tiny cubs from one den site to another. Watching the footage of those limp and vulnerable little bodies being carried is such a reminder of the innocence of youth and the power of new life. Easter too, although celebrated with copious amounts of chocolate, is a reminder of rebirth and renewal and time spent with family and friends. We celebrated this year with a Mad Hatter’s Tea Party, characterised by colour, fun, food and festivities.

A few days of good quality soaking rain has also drastically rejuvenated the bush. A layer of green grass has sprung up, small creatures like dung beetles have become active once again and batches of winged disperser termites have emerged, hoping to find mates and establish new colonies.

So as we close off March and step into April, we are reminded that the opportunity to start anew is always there. In every single moment we are offered the chance to re-establish our will. It doesn’t even require a beautiful sunrise or a morning in the bushveld; it’s purely a matter of, as Rumi put it, “responding to every call that excites your spirit”.

We hope you enjoy the round up of Londolozi’s stories this month.

Nick Simms captured footage of tiny lion cubs being carried by their mother. Don’t miss out on this first ever look at the Tsalala pride’s newest additions.
A squirrel, a male leopard and a kudu calf. Click here to find out what happens when these three animals come together.
Easter is always a big celebration at Londolozi but this year we took it to a whole new level. Follow the link to see what amazing treats we had in store for our guests.
In response to popular demand, James Tyrrell has written a blog revealing some top tips for low-light photography. If you want to improve your wildlife images, this is the blog for you.

On March 19, Londolozi joined the rest of the world for Earth Hour. It was the biggest one to date, making it the most wide spread celebration for our planet ever. Follow the link to see what it is that we’re doing to show that we care and what fun things we got up to in the dark.
A tiny elephant calf, barely a day old, enthralls our guests. Watch the footage and photographs captured in this heart-warming post.
The two Matimba male lions were found further south than we have ever seen them before on Londolozi. James Tyrrell discusses why in this update on the current lion dynamics.
To keep at the forefront of guiding and to make sure the guest experience we provide is always being improved, our rangers and trackers had a four-day photography course. To see what we learnt, follow the link. The night photography shots are remarkable.
Kevin Power witnessed an intense dual between two zebra stallions. Don’t miss his dazzling photo essay of the fight.
Two leopards fight in mid air as they plummet from the treetops. Click here to see the full video and read the reason for this epic brawl.
Until the next time… Live your adventure – Live Safari.
With Love The Londolozi Family

Category: Blog

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