What’s Up South Africa
Cape Town World Music Festival 2012
CAN YOU DIG THIS?!? Captonians – brace yourselves for the first festival of its kind to hit South Africa is landing on our doorstep! The Cape Town World Music Festival takes off on November the 9th for 2 days of World class music pl…
For fans of alternative music, the end of RAMfest 2012 was a bittersweet moment. Their sadness at the conclusion of SA’s ultimate rock festival was matched only by the excitement created by the superb programme. This is all set to h…
International Oriental Dance Festival 2012
Oriental Dance hails from in the Middle East… a beautiful form of dance associated with signature sinuous hip and abdominal movements performed mostly by woman… Now day’s Oriental dance is performed throughout the world attracting l…
Virgin Atlantic – Rewind the 80′s Festival
Aaah, the 80’s what memories and fashions we wish we could forget! That happy little decade when crotch clutching jeans were king and Care-Bears gave a damn. Pink-drinks with brollies and crudités ruled cocktail parties… and the tun…